Hello Dimitrios 
  Do you have propetary Flex libs in your proyect and if so, were do you place 

Dimitrios Gianninas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
            Hi Matt,
  All our projects here are Flex/Java projects and I usually setup things like 
  /src/sampleJar - all the java classes go here in there respective packages
  /src/sampleWeb - this is the webroot basically for the flex app
  /src/sampleWeb/WEB-INF - contains the web.xml and the flex subfolder with all 
the flex config files that are specific to the app
  Then we have a ant build script that compiles the java classes and the flex 
app and puts everything in the /build folder (it also takes all the other flex 
related files, like jars and whatnot from a central location and puts them in 
the /build/WEB-INF/flex folder).
  This is the way we have done it for all projects for now and it works. But I 
am always looking for ways to improve this and perhaps others can share their 
  Dimitrios Gianninas
  Development Team Lead
  Optimal Payments Inc.

  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 6:19 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex Builder/Webapp/Flex

I would like the have the best practice to set up a webapp in my Eclipse.
What are the recommended directory structure for java/flex source folders?
Do I first create a webproject in eclipse, then place my flex binary folders
in the webroot/WEB-INF folder? Do I keep my flex src code under webroot or
at the project folder?

If some one can give me a step by step instruction on doing this I would
appreciate it. I need to work with both Java(server side-J2EE) and flex
client in the same project.

Most flex app I see do not even have a webroot folder. They just have
WEB-INF folder in the root folder.

Please, any ideas will be very appreciated.

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