I solved my own problem and thought I'd post the result here for 

For #1 below, I switched to using the javascript "window.open" 
command instead of navigateToURL() with "_blank" for the target. 
Specifically, I'm using the following AS 3 code:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

public function open_window(url : String, window : String = "_blank", 
features : String = "") : void {
  ExternalInterface.call("window.open", url, window, features);

For problem #2 below, I found the "activate" event and use it to 
detect when Flash Player receives focus after the pop-up window is 
closed, and then call the web service -- works great!


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "byte.sensei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I have a Flex 2.0 app that has to open a URL used to "configure" a 
> shopping cart item. When finished configuring an item and you 
> to Flex, Flex calls a web service to retrieve the item 
> and all is good.
> Currently, I'm opening a new browser window using navigateToURL() 
> with "_blank" for the target.  This presents a couple of problems:
> 1) When the item configuration is done and the window is closed 
> (using Javascript) I get the annoying "The webpage you are using is 
> trying to close the window" and you have to verify that you want to 
> close the window.
> 2) I don't have any good way to detect the window was closed and 
> fire off the web service to get the item configuration -- I 
> have to wait for the user to do something back in the Flex app that 
> causes an event to fire that I can trigger on. (I'm currently using 
> the focusOut event of the Quantity field in the item data grid, but 
> there's no guarantee the user will click/tab into a quantity field 
> and then back out after configuring an item...)
> So, does anyone know of a way I could open a new window/url for the 
> item configuration, but then return to the Flex app without the "Do 
> you want to close this window?" dialog box AND in a way that would 
> fire a Flex event I can use to trigger the web service call?
> I don't have any control over the "item configuration" URL/code -- 
> it's a 3rd party application I'm integrating with...
> Thanks in advance for any insight/help!

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