
Thank you for your reply - your comments have been most helpful.  I
looked into this and there is an Es4 Wiki entry on this:


There is also an Es4 discussion list, of which I've posted this issue
and the proposal for wrapper classes:


So, the discussion will continue there if anybody is interested.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Gordon Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there any way for us developers to influence this decision making
> process?
> Yes. Check out the Community section of http://www.ecmascript.org/
> > What is the current position this committee holds?
> I'm not sure what you mean by this. I believe the committee is an
> official committee of Ecma International
> (http://www.ecma-international.org/ <http://www.ecma-international.org/>
> ), "an industry association founded in 1961, dedicated to the
> standardization of information and communication systems." I don't know
> how the committee members are selected, or how the committee's
> recommendations get officially ratified by Ecma.
> > What do other languages do? 
> Before I started programming in ActionScript, my background was in C++.
> Types like int, float, double, and bool aren't nullable in C++. I'm not
> a Java programmer, but I think Java has a primitive types like int which
> aren't nullable and wrapper classes like Int (i.e., new Int(3)) which
> are. I don't know how these interconvert, but I'm sure some Java
> programmer on this list can tell us. I don't know what C# does.
> > Is it possible to make a Non-primitive extension type of a nullable
> int, Number, Boolean in future releases (thus remaining true to the
> current way of doing things, but still leaving some room for
> developers)?
> I think this is what Java does, and ECMAScript could presumably do
> something similar. Check out the committee's wiki to see whether they've
> thought about this.
> - Gordon

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