My Flexbuilder slowness has reached a new record high. 
After thinking that 3mins was completely unbearable, the new record is
approaching 8minutes.

This is with all possible attempts / options of setting FB up for
optimal build time. I am working with a library project which i build
then copy over to my main project which I then build manually, which
then takes its record breaking 8mins, even for a small line of code
change. Next I debug the project. And of course the whole process has
to start over if there was a compiler or runtime error. 

So, apart from complaining dismally about it, here are the various
attempts I have made to improve on build time 

1) Uncheck the following Flex Compiler options
- Copy non-embedded files to output directory
- Verify digests
- Enable integration with browser navigation (deeplinking)
2) Turn of 'Build Project Automatically'
3) Reference only SWC's of external library projects, not the projects
4) Make sure un-used projects are closed
5) Build main project manually before debugging it
6) Clear the .metadata folder - this occurs about 3x week, when FB
becomes confused & unusable
7) Restart FB, restart my computer, delete my files in my Temp folder
- this is more out of frustration, no difference has ever come out of

Is there anything else can I do ... up the memory used by eclipse?
Recently my FB has started crashing, a symptom of insufficient memory.

I'm running a 2GHz 2GB RAM processor, my library project is 500k,
while my main project is 1.8k. Recently there are a lot of fonts being
embedded (660k) which brought on this record-breaking time. I have
tried using the StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations to try improve on
compilation time, but this brings it's own set of troubles, like my
app not loading properly.

So what do u do while waiting for moxie to build? Write a long-winded
complaintive post about its slowness.

I cant wait for the next release!!!


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