This is some very interesting code.  I can see a great value using this code to 
convert data returned by a web service into Flex objects.
  Three issues come to mind.
  1) I don't always construct an object from XML.  Sometimes, I construct an 
object with data returned from a web service, but other times, I'm just making 
a new object to send TO the server.  Last time I tried to overload 
constructors, I got compile errors from Flex.  My solution was to just make a 
PopulateFromXml method that I could use when I had XML data to populate.
  2) What would you do if the XML had a tag that was a reserved word?  A child 
named "function" for example?  or "return"?  In my code, I got around it by 
generating Flex object from each Java object in my model, and making an XML 
populator for each class.  Your general purpose class is a much better solution 
if I can find a clever way around the reserved word problem.
  3) I think long numbers need to be in a Number, but Numbers can't be null.  
When a Number 
  gets sent to a web service, it has the value "NaN", which can't be 
deserialized on the server.  Adding support for the "*" type would handle that 
- just populate it with a Number if one is present, otherwise leave it 
  Just my $.02  -- or is that $.03 }:-), 
Roger Braunstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi there,  

  Tony Alves tipped me off that there was a thread about this when I posted my 
article on instant binding to XML models. Feel free to use the code I present 
in my approach here:

  Roger Braunstein


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