That is because the click is executed long after the repeater has done its
You need to pass in a property of the button itself to displayHelpTopic, eg.
the label.

On 9/30/07, Paul Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I can't figure out how to pass a property of a repeater item to a
> function
> This is what I am trying but it is not working
> <mx:Repeater id="linkrep" dataProvider="{this.helpRelatedData}">
> <mx:LinkButton label='{linkrep.currentItem.title}'
> click="displayHelpTopic(linkrep.currentItem.title)" color="#0000ff"/>
> </mx:Repeater>
> Basically I want to pass the value linkrep.currentItem.title but what I
> have
> tried above does not work.
> Anyone suggest how I can do this.
> The label is displaying correctly.
> Thanks in advance
> Paul

Ralf Bokelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Flex & Flash Consultant based in Cologne/Germany
Phone +49 (0) 221 530 15 35

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