This application basically now works.
It creates forms with labels and any kind of input fields based on the 
given XML file. When you submit one form, the nex form is given untill 
the last form, which then POSTS the collected date to results.php. Each 
form eases off to the right while the next form eases in from the left.

This example is set up with an XML file that creates an example of each 
type of input. Since my last post, I added the ability to create 
radiobuttons., but the labels for the radiobuttons and checkboxes will 
not linewrap if they are too long. They just don't show the end of the 
line, because I haven't been able to get the multiline radiobuttons to 
work yet.

Turns out the custom form objects were static and I had to recreate them 
every time I wanted to access them.
I had to recreate the custom form object for every form so I could add 
values from the grid, and then again at the end so I could access the 
So "CustomForm" is a little misleading because the CustomForm objects 
are is really just static collections of arrays, and the forms are 
actually grids created from those arrays.
In other words, this application does not use any MX: form objects at all.

I couldn't figure out how to access the  input components using their 
ids, so I just had each item in the form correspond to the same item by 
sequential order in the array it was created from. Now how I wanted to 
do it but it seems to work. . In PHP, that would be risky

> Another full day trying to get this to work. I'm trying to figure out
> how to access the value of the form elements.
> <>
> I got this from Programming Flex 2, page 221, but I had to fix some
> mistakes and I submitted the errata to the authors.
> I've added a debug window and view source.
> The customForm object has functions for accessing the name and values of
> the form elements. When you first start it up, it shows the "name" value
> for the first items in each of the 4 customForm objects.I can also
> access the values in the same way.
> Which means if I can access the CustomForm objects I can access the name
> and values in those forms
> When you hit the next button, the getforms() function accesses the
> contents of the present state. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to
> include any customForm objects, only items in a grid, so I am showing
> the textInput.text, of the first child, which is what I am calling the
> value of the form element. That's fine, but when I try,
> it shows "TextInput99" which is worthless to me. I think that name is
> generated automatically. I can't figure out how to create the form
> elements with the proper names, as listed when you first start it up.
> Please if anyone knows how to access the proper names in the getforms()
> function, help me out.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> wrote:
> >
> > I put a break point where the next button is pushed and I went thru the
> > list of variable but I could not find anything that is in a form
> > variable. It might be in there somewhere but therea re so many its hard
> > to fathom.
> > Is there any way to pay people to answer my questions ? I've been trying
> > to fugure out how to make a simple multiple choice test for 2 months and
> > I'm having a nervous breakdown.
> >
> <> wrote:
> > >
> > > I seem to remember some way to access all the variables in a debugging
> > > environment, but I can't figure out how to do that anymore. How can I
> > > see the variables as they are present at runtime ?
> > >
> <>
> > <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I got this example from "Programming Flex 2"
> > > >
> > > > 
> <>
> > < 
> <>>
> > > 
> < 
> <>
> > < 
> <>>>
> > > >
> > < 
> <>
> > < 
> <>>
> > > 
> < 
> <>
> > < 
> <>>>>
> > > >
> > > > There is a "view source"
> > > > It has dynamic states, each with its own form, but as far as I can
> > tell,
> > > > it does not deal with the data in the form at all. When you hit
> > the next
> > > > just sends you to the next form.
> > > >
> > > > How do I figure out what has been input in the form ?
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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