I have some Flash CS3 animations (characters walking/running) that I 
have exported as Flex 2 components (SWC files) using the Flex 
Component Kit for Flash CS3.

I create an instance of the component in Flex, then need to be able 
to have the character move to the mouse position when a user clicks. 
As an initial test, I used a PNG image and setup a move tween, which 
works great.  However, as soon as I try and use the Flex component, I 
get an "Error #1006" -- apparently the tween doesn't work on the Flex 
component object type.

Basically, what I'm trying to do when a user clicks is:

Put the Flex component into an "animated" walking state (from a 
static/standing position) then have the character move across the 
screen to where the mouse was clicked.

I've got the first part working great (the character starts 
the "walking" animation loop) but the Flex move tween is throwing the 

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Note: I also need a simultaneous "zoom" tween to scale the character 
slightly for perspective -- again this works when I use a static 
image but throws the same Error #1006 when I try and apply it to the 
animation Flex component.

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