Hey Pat,

I was more interested of the contents of the swf that includes the swc.

Say i create a custom button and compc it to swc.
Then include that swc into my flex app.
Can the flex compiler work out that some of the classes in my swc,
are already in my flex app and therefore not 'duplicate' them in the compiled end swf?

I guess i'm mainly interested in the flex framework classes.



On 03/10/2007, at 1:51 PM, Patrick Lemiuex wrote:

Actually, I don't know the answer to your question Bjorn but you can inspect the contents of a swc by renaming the extension to zip and then browsing the contents after you unzip it with winzip (or winrar). The swc is just a wrapper.

Hope this helps.

On Oct 2, 2007, at 6:16 PM, Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:

Just to confirm, in regards to include swc files in your swc, the docs say,

In most cases, the symbols defined in the SWF file that are referenced by the application are embedded in the Flex application at compile-time. This is known as static linking. The application compiler only includes those classes that are used by your application, and dependent classes, in the final SWF file.

My question, does the compiler include dependant classes from the swc that are already included in the swf, for example if UIComponent is used in the swc will it add it again to my swf unnecessarily adding to the file size?



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