--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can sense your frustration, and the tone of your answers are 
trying my
> patience.  There are a lot of variables here, and it is not my full 
> job to support you through this.  I know you've spent lots of time 
on it
> and it can be a real pain in the butt to figure out some things in 
> but please don't take it out on those of us who are trying to 
help.  I'm
> trying to help as many people on this forum as I can so I generally
> don't have the capacity to remember all the details of your issues, 
> that will occasionally cause me to steer you in the wrong direction,
> since I can't see all of the hazards on the road ahead of you.

Fair enough.  I apologize that my frustration came through as an 
attack on you.  I am going completely nuts that something that ought 
to be so simple is turning out to be a total nightmare.

> Since my recommendation of not sizing the image to 100% didn't 
work, it
> is probably that there is some factor I didn't consider, but I am
> recommending best practices here, so what you take away will 
> serve you on your next Flex task.  I think I recall that you had 
> with sizes like 300x175.  How big do you want them to show up in 
> component.  At their true size or scaled down in some way?

Actually, the problem is not with the swfs.  They're all roughly the 
same size, so they don't jump all over the place like the images do.  
However, I applied the function to them as well, with the assumption 
that if they were going to be placed on a canvas they'd need to be 
repositioned manually, too.

The images and swfs may be displayed at their true size or may be 
scaled down, all depending on their size relative to the container.  
I'd thought that Flex would handle this elegantly, but it seems that 
the way that the image control positions the content within it has 
defeated this elegance.

> I think I also recall asking you to post a couple of the swfs so I 
> see what they look like.  Please do so in your next response so I 
> try to get a better understanding of why sizing these swfs is not
> working as expected.  There is always going to be a chance that 
> have to do something one-off, but I haven't seen enough evidence 
that we
> really have to do so.  Also, if you have a sketch, screenshot or any
> other visual that can give me an idea of what your goal is that will
> help too.

I've posted the whole kit and caboodle to 
ftp://ftp.magnoliamultimedia.com/Thumbviewer.  I've removed the 
suggested improvements that gave the scrollbars, so you can see it 
pretty much as it ought to work, except that the image jumps all over 
the place.  If you imagine it with the image staying in one spot (and 
at this point I don't care if it is the top of the container or the 
bottom or the center), then you'll be able to picture the desired 
functionality.  You'll need to use the enclosed exe to run it, as it 
is being passed the xml from an ExternalInterface call.  I didn't 
include the compiled files for size reasons.



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