Yes, in this case ClipTile is a Container, most of my itemRenderers are 
Containers.  If they are not containers then I generally don't have 
anything to set on them.

Alex Harui wrote:
> What is ClipTile?  If it is based on Container, they may both be
> equivalent, but if it is based on an mx.controls.* it may not be the
> same.
> It would seem to me that if you got the scope wrong, you'd get an
> runtime error, so I can't figure out why he's in the situation he is.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Paul deCoursey
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] not kosher to call function from inline
> renderer?
> Ok, I always use parentDocument and it always works for me... what's the
> deal? I've never used outerDocument. Here is a quick sample:
> <mx:TileList id="assetList" columnCount="1" height="100%" width="100%" 
> dataProvider="{this.projectManager.videos}" 
> itemClick="this.displayAssetInfo(event);" dragEnabled="true">
> <mx:itemRenderer>
> <mx:Component>
> <infoid:ClipTile playClip="this.parentDocument.playClip(event);"
> createNewClip="this.parentDocument.handleCreateNewClip(event);"
> connection="{this.parentDocument.videoPlayer.sharedConnection}" />
> </mx:Component>
> </mx:itemRenderer>
> </mx:TileList>
> Can you explain why mine works but his does not?
> Paul
> Alex Harui wrote:
>> I think you want to use outerDocument. I'm surprised you didn't get a 
>> runtime error.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> *On Behalf Of *Paul Hastings
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 16, 2007 11:08 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] not kosher to call function from inline 
>> renderer?
>> Paul deCoursey wrote:
>>> The inline component doesn't have that method in scope. Try
>>> {this.parentDocumen t.blobToImage. ...
>> spoke too soon. while this got rid of the complier error, that 
>> method's still
>> not getting called ie breakpoints on it never get fired.
>> any ideas?
>> thanks.

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