I've checked the services-config.xml file and I have the level=Debug and
Endpoint.* in there...

        <target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" level="Debug">
                <prefix>[Flex] </prefix>

This is what I see in the console in regards to Endpoint...
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.248 Starting Adobe Flex Data Services 2
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.248 Adobe Flex Data Services Build: 155539
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.435 Endpoint my-amf created with security: None
at URI: http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.435 Endpoint my-polling-amf created with
security: None
at URI: http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.435 Endpoint my-http created with security: None
at URI: http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/http
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.435 Endpoint my-secure-amf created with security:
at URI: https://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.498 Endpoint my-rtmp created with security: None
at URI: rtmp://{server.name}:2038
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:09.498 Endpoint my-secure-http created with
security: None
at URI: https://{server.name}:9100/{context.root}/messagebroker/httpsecure
[Flex] 10/18/2007 09:07:10.140 RTMP-Server listening on port:2038

I log in, I get nothing in the console but still see this error
[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="[MessagingError message='Unknown
destination 'EmployeeServiceRO'.']" faultCode="InvokeFailed"
faultDetail="Couldn't establish a connection to 'EmployeeServiceRO'"]
messageId="395B4A39-05C2-B5EE-6E7E-B37436E1A204" type="fault" bubbles=false
cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

This is in the onFault of the LoginCommand.as file.

I added the TraceTarget to the index.mxml file,

    <mx:TraceTarget id="logTarget" includeDate="true" includeTime="true"
includeCategory="true" includeLevel="true">
        <!-- 0 is represents the LogEventLevel.ALL constant. -->

But where should I see this information? (The console is the same)

I apologize but I did not understand this "The last thing I'll mention
quickly just to be sure you is that if you are using HTTP based channels,
the player is using the same HTTP session on the server as any jsp files
running in that same web application."

And no, things don't work with pre-authenticated session..  The
/seurity/index.jsp  works and displays which role you log in as, but if I
backed up and removed the security/index.jsp I'd get the same error.
Thanks for the help guys..

On 10/17/07, Jeff Vroom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm not sure what is going on but one good way to diagnose these problems
> is to turn on the debug logging on the client and server.  In this case,
> since it seems to be a problem with the basic connections, you should use
> the "Endpoint.*" target on the server.  In WEB-INF/flex/services-
> config.xml, find level=  change that to Debug and make sure Endpoint.* is
> in the targets below.
> On the client, I'd also turn on <mx:TraceTarget/>.
> The other thing I find that is helpful is to look at the configuration
> which is getting compiled into your SWF.  When you compile your app, you
> point it at the server's configuration and it copies a subset of that config
> into the variable:
> mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig.xml
> you can print that out at startup (actually, this is done automatically by
> mx:TraceTarget).
> The last thing I'll mention quickly just to be sure you is that if you are
> using HTTP based channels, the player is using the same HTTP session on the
> server as any jsp files running in that same web application.  It sounds
> like things may work when you are dealing with a pre-authenticated session
> but fail when the session is not in place.  It is relatively common that
> people will put a security filter into the web.xml file to enforce
> security.  If one of these filters runs before the MessageBrokerServlet
> (also in web.xml) it may prevent flex from contacting the server in the
> case where the filter aborts or redirects the request because the
> authentication has failed.
> Jeff
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Greg Morphis
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:43 AM
> *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: Unknown destination 'EmployeeServiceRO
> Still havent found anything with this. One thing I didnt mention yesterday
> is that there is a folder with a security check..
> Just a simple check...
> <p>security test for app</p>
> <%
>   if ( request.getUserPrincipal() != null) {
> %>
>     Your user principal name is
>     <b><%= request.getUserPrincipal().getName() %></b><br><br>
> <%
>   } else {
> %>
>     No user principal could be identified.<br><br>
> <%
>   }
> %>
> <%
>     if (request.isUserInRole("AOPScheduler-BASICINQ")) {
> %>
>       You have been granted role AOPScheduler-BASICINQ<br><br>
> <%
>     }
>     if ( request.isUserInRole("AOPScheduler-BASICAM"))    {
> %>
>     You have been granted role AOPScheduler-BASICAM<br><br>
> <%
>     }
> %>
> I can hit the url which is protected, I'm prompted to log in. I log in and
> it works...
> security test for app
> Your user principal name is 1234567
> You have been granted role AOPScheduler-BASICAM
> So the roles seem to be working.. If I take change the url and take off
> the /security/ (to the root folder) I get the same error..
> Anything else anyone can throw out there to check? Please? I'm getting
> frustrated with this
>  On 10/16/07, *Greg Morphis* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I copied the folder down from dev to my local machine.
> I was able to run the app from there.. But I cannot build my copy in
> Eclipse and run it. WTF?!?!?!
> This is pissing me off....
> On 10/16/07, *Greg Morphis* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I copied the tomcat folder from our dev server down to my local machine,
> since both of the installations are in the same place
> C:\Tomcat5.5
> The server started fine, I cleaned and rebuilt the app.. same error. I
> don't think it's a tomcat config issue..
> On 10/16/07, *Greg Morphis* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll give that a try in a little bit, I'll have to modify the main view
> and security login page to ignore the current way of loading. I think the
> answer will be "no, no destination is being found"
> Thanks
> On 10/16/07, *Anatole Tartakovsky* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it the only destination not being found? Can you create another
> destination,  and debug in something like this:
> mb = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);
> srv = (RemotingService)mb.getServiceByType("
> flex.messaging.services.RemotingService");
> RemotingDestination remotingDestination =
> (RemotingDestination)srv.getDestination(destinationName);// debug in
> Regards,
> Anatole
> On 10/16/07, *Dimitrios Gianninas* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> Hmm not sure if this is the problem but dont create roles names with any
> special characters, dashes ( - ) in your case. I know Weblogic has a problem
> with this when we named our roles with underscores in them. In WL we also
> need to define them in the WEB-NF/weblogic.xml, not sure if this is the case
> for Tomcat.
> As for not being able to connect, hmmm..is there any more errors before
> this one?
> *Dimitrios Gianninas*
> *Development Team Lead*
> *Optimal Payments Inc.*
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Greg Morphis
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:53 AM
> *To:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: Unknown destination 'EmployeeServiceRO
> Anyone? Has no one seen this error before? Does everything look correct?
> This is with Flex 2 / LCDS on Tomcat with Java middleware.
> Thanks
> On 10/15/07, Greg Morphis < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <gmorphis%40gmail.com>>
> wrote:
> > I'm condensing my previous posts..
> > ----------------------------------------------------
> > getting this error on a flex app..
> >
> > [FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="[MessagingError
> > message='Unknown destination 'EmployeeServiceRO'.']"
> > faultCode="InvokeFailed" faultDetail="Couldn't establish a connection
> > to 'EmployeeServiceRO'"]
> > messageId="47E7A8FA-EB41-1E60-A96D-A474ECC048D1"
> > type="fault"
> > bubbles=false
> > cancelable=true eventPhase=2]
> >
> > I've checked the remoting-config.xml
> >
> > <destination id="EmployeeServiceRO">
> > <properties>
> > <source>com.alltel.rapid.aopscheduler.business.EmployeeDelegate</source>
> > <scope>application</scope>
> > </properties>
> > <security>
> > <security-constraint>
> > <auth-method>Basic</auth-method>
> > <roles>
> > <role>AOPScheduler-BASICAM</role>
> > <role>AOPScheduler-BASICINQ</role>
> >
> > </roles>
> > </security-constraint>
> > </security>
> >
> > </destination>
> >
> > I installed log4j and I see this when I log in..
> > 2007-10-15 11:59:48,812 [http-8080-Processor24] DEBUG
> > org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase - Username e0087890 has role
> > AOPScheduler-BASICINQ
> > 2007-10-15 11:59:48,812 [http-8080-Processor24] DEBUG
> > org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase - No role found:
> > AOPScheduler-BASICINQ
> >
> > But I have the roles defined:
> > In the web.xml file
> > <auth-constraint>
> > <role-name>AOPScheduler-BASICAM</role-name>
> > <role-name>AOPScheduler-BASICINQ</role-name>
> > </auth-constraint>
> > </security-constraint>
> >
> > and
> > <security-role>
> > <description>
> > The role that is required to log in to the Manager Application
> > </description>
> > <role-name>AOPScheduler-BASICAM</role-name>
> > </security-role>
> > <security-role>
> > <description>
> > The role that is required to log in to the Reader Application
> > </description>
> > <role-name>AOPScheduler-BASICINQ</role-name>
> > </security-role>
> >
> >
> > So to me everything looks okay, what am I missing?
> > The odd thing is that we store the code in CVS, I've checked out a
> > fresh copy of the code and everything looks good. The only thing I can
> > think of is something not configured right in Tomcat?
> >
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