Ok ... sorry,

Figured it out. You have to multiply the unix timestamp with 1000 and it works. No clue why ... but it works.


On 23.10.2007, at 12:48, rleuthold wrote:


If I understood the API for Date right, it should be possible to pass a unix time stamp (as a number and as the one and only argument) to the constructor and then have a "normal" date

I try this:
testDate:Date = new Date(1180166923);

trace(testDate) // output: Wed Jan 14 16:49:26 GMT+0100 1970

If I convert the timestamp (e.g. on the web:http://www.4webhelp.net/ us/timestamp.php?

I get: Saturday, May 26th 2007, 9:08:43 (GMT +1) ... which is the date I want

What am I missing here ? Thanks.


Rico Leuthold
+41(0)76 512 05 50

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