I  have  an  array  named 'source' which consists of external xml file
names  whose  content  i  am  trying to load into another array called
'content'. I tried with following:

for (i=0; i<source.length; i++){
   XML_URL = "http://localhost/temp/"; + source[i];
   myXMLURL = new URLRequest (XML_URL);    
   myLoader = new URLLoader (myXMLURL);
   myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);    

function xmlLoaded(evt:Event):void{

The  problem  is that this way i only get content of the last xml file
from 'source' array and other 'content' elements are 'undefined'. Does
anyone  know  solution  to  this  problem or maybe have another way of
doing this?

thanks in advance

Best regards,
 Mirko                          mailto:msabljic[at]gmail.com

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