
I am extending the TextArea class (call it MyTextArea) and want to get
information about the text in the textField.  I wait for the
CREATION_COMPLETE event before accessing the textField, but the
textField.getLineIndexOfChar() method returns -1 directly after an
update of this.text.  Is there an event to listen to that will ensure
the text has been updated and rendered so that getLineIndexOfChar()
and other similar methods will give the expected results?
I include my code below.

By the way, I have a click listener and after the SWF loads and I
click on the TextArea, I get the expected values of getLineIndexOfChar().

Thanks for your help,

public class MyTextArea extends TextArea {

    public function MyTextArea():void {

      // have to wait until CREATION_COMPLETE fires otherwise
      // this.textField is null
      addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);

    private function onCreationComplete(e:FlexEvent):void {
      // looks like the text gets set but info about the text
      // layout in the TextField is not yet known...
      this.text = 'this is a long string\n of multiline text';

      // these both return -1

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