I have been trying to solve this issue for days but still couldn't 
find the right solution.

I am going to make as simple as I can about the issue.
Here's the situation:
I have this DataGrid
<mx:DataGrid id="myDataGrid" width="100%" height="100%">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="FirstName" dataField="fName"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="LastName" dataField="lName"
Now here's the NameRenderer's definition:
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="left" verticalAlign="middle">
        override public function set data(value:Object):void {
                super.data = value;
                if (value != null)
                   myLabel.text = value;                
        <!-- Remember the font size please. It relates to the issue-->
        <mx:Label id="myLabel" fontSize="14">


Now, the grid displays fine in my flex app. Then I added a 
functionality to be able to print the grid using almost exactly the 
same like in this example:
with the following exceptions:
- My FormPrintView doesn't have the all of the <mx:columns> stuffs in 
- Inside my doPrint() (this is in PrintDataGridExample section) under
 thePrintView.myDataGrid.dataProvider = myDataGrid.dataProvider 
statement, I add this:
thePrintView.myDataGrid.columns = myDataGrid.columns;
Now when I print it out, everything is working fine and dandy (good 
job Flex team!).

Then one day, I was told to do a "bit" change. The Printouts need to 
be in font-size 8 instead of 14. The grid looks great on the web 
using font-size 14 but when it is being printed out, it needs to be 
in font-size 8.

So my question is how do you do that?
Just to let you know, these were the things that I try:
- In my FormPrintView, I added this attribute 'fontSize="8"'. I 
thought that this will take care the problem but it didn't. It wasn't 
overriding myLabel's fontSize.
- Then I do another way using Bindable strategy, this is what I did:
== Create a global variable to store the font size.
  package myGlobals
     public class GlobalFont
        public static const DEFAULT_SIZE:int = 14;
        public static const PRINT_SIZE:int = 8;
        public static var myFontSize:int = DEFAULT_SIZE;

==Then in NameRenderer, I change myLabel to be like this:
<mx:Label id="myLabel" fontSize="{GlobalFont.myFontSize}">

==Then on my doPrint(), I add this before I assign the dataProvider 
and columns to thePrintView.myDataGrid:
GlobalFont.myFontSize = GlobalFont.PRINT_SIZE

==Then I do the print.
Result: It prints out with the font-size 8 :) But the Flex app will 
show all my grid's column content to be shifted off the column after 
I scroll the grid up/down (you have to have large data that will have 
the vertical scroll bar to appear). You can fix the display again but 
clicking the column's header.

Again I call all Flex Masters to share your wisdom in this matter.
I have been given a deadline to fix this by early next week. So all 
ideas/suggestions/anything will help.

Thank you!

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