Hi guys,

My DataGrid is listening to itemEditEnd for each itemEditor change. I 
have a ComboBox and a CheckBox used as itemEditor components in the 
datagrid. I'm going to make immediate actions to user interaction, like 
when change selection of a ComboBox, once user select another value, 
application immediately make a request to server and continue something 
upon response.

The ComboBox works well for me, when there's a 'close' event I simply 
move focus out of that itemEditorInstance, itemEditEnd function 
activated without problem.

But the CheckBox behavior is quite strange, when I click on it, if 
checkbox.selected change to false, itemEditEnd function won't do 
anything; but when click on and checkbox.selected=true, itemEditEnd 
immediately get the event. I don't understand how CheckBox ate the 
focusManager changes.

Source code followed, I tried different ways from simple CheckBox 
component to custom component but no luck.

Any help appreciated.


DataGrid component class:
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Enable" itemRenderer="EnableEdit" 
rendererIsEditor="true" editorDataField="selected" dataField="enable" 
width="50" sortable="false"/>   

private function itemEditEndHandler(e:DataGridEvent):void
    trace('get it?');
    var grid:DataGrid = e.currentTarget as DataGrid;
    var pos:Object = grid.editedItemPosition;
   // something to do

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
horizontalAlign="center" dataChange="this.update()" 
            import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
            public var selected:Boolean;
            private function init():void
                //BindingUtils.bindProperty(this, 'check', 
this.checkBox, 'selected');
            private function update():void
                this.selected = data.enable;
                this.checkBox.selected = this.selected;
            public function set check(b:Boolean):void
                if(this.selected != b){
                    this.selected = b;
                    //change focus will dispatch itemEditEnd event or 
            private function clicked():void
    <mx:CheckBox id="checkBox" click="this.clicked()"/>

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