I seems to have encountered a bug while using the source property of the Image container. Before I file a bug report I want to see if I am possibly doing something wrong.

I tried two different tests:

1) create an image component with id="myImage" source="some/url/ string.jpg" and then listen for Event.COMPLETE on the myImage object

2) create an image component with id="myImage" source="{new Bitmap ()}" and then listen for Event.COMPLETE on the myImage object

The event fires properly with the url string (1), but not with a bitmap(2). If you look at the SWFLoader code line 1220 if the source is a "DisplayObject" then no event get's fired...

line 1220
else if (classOrString is DisplayObject)
                        contentHolder = child = DisplayObject(classOrString);

The problem with this is the even when loading a bitmap one still needs to wait for the bitmap to be fully loaded before accessing some of it's properties (height/width). Is this a bug and if so, is there a workaround OR am I approaching this the wrong way?

Thanks, Kevin

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