I have a very simple app with a List that displays a custom drag 
proxy.  It works just fine in Flex 2, but in Flex 3 the custom drag 
proxy does not show.

I simply override the protected ListBase.dragImage getter to return  
my custom drag image (I am pulling the image source out of the 
currently selected row) like such:

var renderer:CustomItemRenderer = 
  this.indexToItemRenderer(this.selectedIndex) as CustomItemRenderer;
var actualImage:Image = renderer.thumbImage;
var dragProxy:Image = new Image();
dragProxy.source = actualImage.source;
dragProxy.setActualSize(actualImage.width, actualImage.height);

return dragProxy;

I see the custom drag proxy moving around fine in Flex 2, but nothing 
is drawn in Flex 3.  I do get the drag indicator (red X when not over 
a drop target), and when I drop the image it does show up.  It is 
just that the custom drag proxy does not show while dragging.

Any ideas?

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