got a VO that's built up from simple data fields and bunch of cfqueries (mapped 
as ArrayCollections not arrays of objects). it's backed w/sql server 2000. in 
the flex front end i refer to the individual cfquery columns using the original 
sql server column case (eRay, oRay, etc.). works fine.

i tried swapping the backend from sql server to cf8's built-in derby db (don't 
ask) & all of the cfquery bits of the VO stopped working. nothing got changed 
the flex front end, just the CFCs on the backend. poking around (and torturing 
cf support guy for a day or so) it looks like the flex front end all of sudden 
got case sensitive (referring to ERAY,ORAY, etc. worked).

i would have thought that flex would be case sensitive to cfqueries all the 
time. has anyone else seen this? can anybody see why case sensitivity changes 
depending on the backend (or i guess cf's db driver)?


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