
I'm using Flex 2.01, and I'm looking for something to change the values for all 
components of the same kind, by declaring it only once in the application. For 
I want to use my personal monthNames and dayNames for the component DateField, 
but I 
want to declare my values only once, and not every time I add a DateField 

I got the idea when I saw that I could define the labels for the OK, Cancel, 
Yes and No buttons 
from Alert messages, by changing the value of variables in the main application 
  Alert.yesLabel = "Sí";
  Alert.noLabel = "No";
  Alert.cancelLabel = "Cancelar";
  Alert.okLabel = "Aceptar";

Can I do something similar with other components? Where can I find the info 
about it?

Thank you very much

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