hi all;
i work in a project which includes the implementation of a RIA 
application in which the user will generate an XML based on an XSD 
defined language using drag&drops and etc. (user never sees the xml).

at first, we developed a code generator using AIR that takes the XSD and 
generates vo's, commaders, events,model & controller. so we just hand 
coded the views. and the demo was very successful.

now the second phase of the project came and there are huge differences 
in the XSD, so we had to handcode additional things into commanders, 
which violated the auto-generation approach and resulted in some bugs & 
inefficiency. then we decided to upgrade the code generator to create 
more clever commanders and more specific events.

we have an important debate here for which we need suggestions, so i'm 
presenting you our question.

when an event is being handled, there may be need to do some more things 
which is done by another commander and has a specific event. in such a 
-- should the commander call the other commander just creating the event 
and sending it to the other's execute method
--should the commander create the event and just dispatch.

the second is the normal way for the cairngorm specs but the first is 
much more efficient.
so which one do you suggest?


p.s. commanders are specific to VO's a a commander just edit's it's VO's 
data on the model.

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