Everyone - 

I've been working with Flex for a few months now, and as a Java
developer, I want make it work with a java backend.  At this point,
I'm not interested in FDS/LCDS.  Not to say it isn't a great product,
but I'm not there yet.

The two basic options that I see are working with Httpservice, and
WebServices.  I have found a few examples using WebServices, and I
have to tell you, they weren't easy to get up and running.  I can't
find any examples of using Httpservice with a java backend (although
by reading this group, I see some of you are doing just that).

So before I spend too much more time on one or the other, which
direction should I take?  What are the pros and cons?  If you use web
services, what do you use?  XFire?  Spring-WS?  Metro?

Thanks for your help everyone!


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