I've worked it out.  You can specify when the component removal
happens by using a mx:RemoveChildAction tag:

                @font-face {
                        src: local("Arial");
                        fontFamily: myArial;
                global {
                        fontFamily: myArial;
                        fontSize: 15

                <mx:Transition fromState="" toState="A">
                        <mx:Sequence target="{lblMessage}" duration="2000">     
                                <mx:Glow alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" />           
                <mx:Transition fromState="A" toState="">
                        <mx:Sequence target="{lblMessage}" duration="2000">     
                                <mx:Fade alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0"/>            

(Note: I've also embedded a font to allow the Fade effect to work

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