Sorry, I don't understand what you said very clearly. Do you mean that
I should use the single whole ARGB unsigned int value but not a single
color value? I'm not very sure about the "32bit block" in you mail.
But  I think some algorithm need to deal with R,G,B color separately.

Could you give me some code example which can make me understand more
clearly if you have time.


--- In, DreamCode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well... a blur is not at pixel level either.... That can be handled in
> blocks too....  I might see this fairly clear as I come from an ASM
> background...... the thing you need to realize is that performing an
> on a 32bit block is not much slower that it is performing the same
action of
> a pixel.... actually the pixel is most likely slower... the cpu
still read
> 32bits although it seems like it only reads one.... but with the single
> pixel it needs to perform an AND when it reads it and 2 x ( AND + OR
) when
> it writes it ..... with a 32 bit block it is not..... on top of
that, since
> a blur is essentially a form of convolute filter the pixel version
need to
> read it's some radius of neighboring pixels.... radius being the
amount of
> blur to apply. So that's another now we have another stack of single
> to process.... so now what started out to be a pixel process is actually
> getting/putting another 20 pixels in a 3.0 blur (radius) scenario.....
>         323
>        32123
>        21X12
>        32123
>         323
> Now multiply that by your 0.75megapixels..... IT ADDS UP
> --Allan

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