Hi Friends,

I am trying to work on a situation but not any close yet, and thought 
that I could find some help here.

I am trying to trigger a html page from my flex .swf, but open it 
inside a html frame. ie., from my app.swf, i click a button and must 
open page1.html inside a frame existing in page2.html

The following function can just trigger/open the page1.html:

private function openMainWindow(event:Event):void{
var str1:String="page1.html";
var jscommand:String = "window.open('"+str1+"');";
var url1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:" + jscommand + "void
navigateToURL(url1, "_self"); 
but how is that I can open this page1.html inside page2.html's frame 
(say 'frame1').

Thank you.


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