I have built a cfc vo class and flex vo class


package com.abc.CESF.Bursary.vo
import com.adobe.cairngorm.vo.IValueObject;


public class PersonVO implements IValueObject
public var firstname:String = "";
public var lastname:String = "";
public var sid:String= "";

public function PersonVO(){

this.firstname = "";
this.lastname = "";
this.sid = "";


<cfcomponent displayname="PersonVO" hint="Login VO For CairngormTest" 

<cfset this.firstname = "" />
<cfset this.lastname = "" />
<cfset this.sid = "" /> 


I have a function in cfc.it is here

<cffunction name="addPerson" displayname="addPerson" access="remote" 
output="false" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="personVO" type="PersonVO" required="true" />

<cfquery name="insertPerson" datasource="bursary">
INSERT INTO person_info (fname,

<cfreturn true />


but I get the error when I pass flex vo to the cfc function.I am not 
sure how to make flex vo and cfc vo match.the error message is here

RPC Fault faultString="The argument PERSONVO passed to function 
addPerson() is not of type PersonVO." faultCode="Server.Processing" 
faultDetail="If the component name is specified as a type of this 
argument, the reason for this error might be that a definition file 
for such component cannot be found or is not accessible."]

Please help me.Thanks


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