We are wanting to write a chat application in flash that needs to have
very unique requirements so its a one off type of thing that an
existing off the shelf wont help with.

What we are looking for is each line of chat should have something
like the following:

x x 10:00pm - How are you today?

The x's would be checkboxes. When one of those two boxes are checked
we would highlight the "How are you today?" row of text a specific
color.  From what I have seen this is not possible, am I wrong?

Basically the checkboxes when clicked will just perform a simple send
to the flash media server application we are running to perform a
simple call on the server.  Where we are struggling is trying to find
how we might do the following:

1. Add the checkboxes to the html text area.
2. Change the color of the text for that specific line.

Any help or light you folks can shed on this for us would be great.
Thank you very much.

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