Thanks Igor, 

I'm already doing as you suggested, so that can't be the cause.

When the master list completes loading it then tries to load the 
detail record matching the first row in the master list which causes 
the error (on production only). I get the same error when I select a 
different row in the master list.

The cfc to return the detail object appears to be working correctly 
and returning the correct result - it's just not being received 
correctly by the flex app on production only. 

Any other suggestions?

--- In, "Igor Costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> the problem isnt in your server machine.
> When you call from remoteObject   to collect data from your cfc  
> trying to fill out the form detail without the response back 
complete from
> the collection you invoked.
> Suggestion is. try to fill the detail page with a  way to when the 
result of
> method complete, you fill out the master detail page.
> ex:::
> <remoteobject>
> <method  name"bla" result="myresult(event)"/>
> </remoteobject>
> <script>
> public function myresult(event:resultevent):void
> {
>                    // code to fill the master detail here
> }
> Regards
> On Dec 11, 2007 8:23 PM, bobklhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   My app has a master detail layout populated by remote calls to 
> > The cfc returns a query for the master list and an object for the
> > detail. This works fine on our development server. When I run 
> > on our production server the query is returned ok but I get an 
> > 1009 when it tries to return the object with the details:
> >
> > TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a 
> > object reference.
> > at orders::OrdersList/::showOrder()
> > at orders::OrdersList/___Operation2_result()
> > ...
> >
> > Both servers appear to be identical (Windows 2003, CF version 
> > latest hotfixes)
> >
> > I've checked the cfc and they work as expected on both machines.
> >
> > Any idea why the application would work on one server but not on 
> > other?
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> ----------------------------
> Igor Costa

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