does anyone know what is wrong with this one:

my HTTP request returns fine into the function (e4x resultFormat) and
Adobe says IList supports XMLList but I keep getting this error. it
appears the Ilist is trying to convert XML elements and throws an
error. I get no errors when compiling, only at runtime

here is the error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
[EMAIL PROTECTED] element <program> to mx.collections.IList.

//<program> is the first child node in the XML

here is the function:

         private function setDataProvider(event:ResultEvent) : void
             //dataXML is an XMLList            
            dataXML = (event.result.program); 
             //the Alert shows the data is returning ok
             //dataProvider is an IList
            dataProvider = new XMLListCollection(dataXML);
            rowDataProvider = new ArrayCollection();
            for( var i : int = 0; i < dataProvider.length; i++ )
               rowDataProvider.addItem( { label: "Channel " + ( i + 1
) } );         

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