Hello Flexcoders,


I apologize if this is a question that has already been beat to death - but
I can't seem to find anything explicit about this. 


In the Flex documentation under the topic "Using IList interface methods and
properties", there is a clearly marked note that says.


"If you use the ICollectionView interface to sort or filter a collection, do
not use the IList interface to manipulate the data, as the results are


So, to make sure I understand, if you have an array collection that has been
sorted and/or filtered, you can not then subsequently use the easy IListlist
methods (i.e. addItemAt, getItemAt, setItemAt, etc.)  successfully against
this collection.  As I understand, to alter an item in this collection, you
need to use the less-obvious IViewCursor methods of
remove-coupled-with-insert to alter an item in the collection.  Am I on the
right track here?  Or, is there some other best-practice?


Thanks for your time,




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