setting minHeight=0 may also work.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Giles Roadnight
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 4:31 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] layout / scrolling issues

If anyone else has this issues I've foudn the solution to the first
item. the problem was that a VBox set to height="100%" would stretch
it's container which would force scroll bars to pup up in unexpected

The way to get round this is to put the VBox inside a canvas. If you set
both to height="100%" the canvas behaves and does not stretch it's
parent, the VBox then fits within the canvas and the canvas scrolls the

Hopefully someone will find that useful.

On Dec 17, 2007 10:47 AM, Giles Roadnight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

        Hi All
        I have a couple of niggling lay out issues that I can't seem to
        resolve and was hoping that someone could help me with them.
        I have a popup with an HBox in. on the left I have VBOx (lets
call it
        the controls Vbox) and on the right a text area. Both have
        With in the controls Vbox I have several text boxes, buttons ect
and I
        have another VBox (lets call it dynamic text box). This also has
        set to 100%.
        This dynamic box gets controls dynamically added to it - no way
        knowing how many. These controls always make the controls VBox
        than the popup and the popup then produces scrollbars so that I
        see the buttons at the bottom of the controls VBox or the bottom
        the text area.
        What I want to happen is for scroll bars to appear on the
dynamic text
        box. I can only get this to happen if I set the height to for
        100 but then it does not stretch to make use of the whole height
        the controls VBox.
        How do I get round this?
        The other problem is a bit easier to explain. I have a toggle
        bar across the top of my app with width="100%". With all the
        in there the width is probably about 1500 pixels. On my 1200 *
        screen this works fine - it fills the whole width. If I then
        my browser and re-size the window for example 800 pixels the bar
        re-sizes and button labels are cut off with ... at the end and
        tooltips. All this is as expected.
        If a user on a 800*600 screen opens this app though the button
bar is
        still around 1500 pixels and stretches the whole app well beyond
        bounds of the screen. This seems like a bug to me
        Any suggestions?
        Many Thanks


Giles Roadnight <>  


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