I posted most of this on the adobe forum but so far haven't received 
any ideas, so hopefully someone here will know.  I've created an AS3 
class that extends the HorizontalList.  What I'm trying to achieve is 
the ability to have 2 buttons on my application and 2 methods in my 
extended class that allow the user to scrollleft or scrollright.  In 
working with this I've found that I need to override the 
scrollHorizontally method in the HorizontalList class.  I've also found 
that the this.iterator.bookmark.getViewIndex() method gives me the left 
most item index that is visible.  What I can't figure out is how to get 
the right most visible item index to determine whether or not to scroll 
any further to the right.  I've spent about 3 hours digging through 
debug variables and livedoc pages to find something that would give me 
that info, but so far have found nothing.  Anyone have any ideas?  

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