hi all;
i have a custom class which has a toString method; so i can directly use 
it as a source to textInput's text field.
i want to make binding work, i mean when the result of the toString 
changes, i want the view to update itself automatically.
nameID field of roleRef is an instance of my class that implements 
toString with function biding.
when i use this way:
<mx:Label id="lbl" text="{roleRef.nameID}"/>
function binding on toString does not work
when i use this way:
<mx:Label id="lbl" text="{roleRef.nameID.toString()}"/>
function biding on toString works, but inside an item renderer, it does 
not work.
<mx:Label id="lbl" text="{data.nameID.toString()}"/>

is this a compiler bug or is this the normal behavior?

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