Innitially we returned an Object[] containing Vectors from FDS to the app
and then just inserted that.
The option we have settled on however was to build the sqlite db on the
server and then just download it using get

On Dec 30, 2007 9:57 PM, Scott Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Another few questions I've been searching high and low for answers on.
> 1) My Flex Builder Beta 3 does not seem to have some classes / methods?
>  Like and the openAsync() method.
> Any idea why that would be missing or how to get it installed?
> 2) Most importantly, Does anyone have a favorite method to write from an
> Array that is received from FDS to a local SQLlite database?
> When I try to loop through like this which I have modified from an
> example:
> ------------BEGIN CODE------------------------------
> conn = new SQLConnection();
> dbFile = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("myDB.db");
> conn.begin();
> var dropCreate:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
> var insertRow:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
> dropCreate.sqlConnection = conn;
> var sql:String = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users; CREATE TABLE users (id
> TEXT,city TEXT,state TEXT,zip TEXT,lsFName TEXT,lsLName TEXT,lsEmail
> TEXT,lsPhone TEXT,lsCity TEXT,lsState TEXT,lsZip TEXT)"
> dropCreate.text = sql;
> dropCreate.execute();
> var numRecords:int = users.length;
> for(var i:int = 0; i < numRecords; i++)
> {
> insertRow.sqlConnection = conn;
> sql = "INSERT INTO users
> (id,fName,lName,email,phone,city,state,zip,lsFName,lsLName,lsEmail,lsPhone,lsCity,lsState,lsZip)
> VALUES " +
> "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
> insertRow.text = sql;
> // set parameter values
> insertRow.parameters[ 0] = users[i].id;
> insertRow.parameters[ 1] = users[i].fName;
> insertRow.parameters[ 2] = users[i].lName;
> insertRow.parameters[ 4] = users[i].phone;
> insertRow.execute();
> }
> conn.commit();
> ------------END CODE------------------------------
> I get an error saying that SQLStatement.text property can't be changed as
> below:
> Error: Error #3106: Property cannot be changed while
> SQLStatement.executing is true.
> at Error$/throwError()
> at text()
> at
> data::SQLHandler/createAndFillUserTable()[my/path/here/]
> I'm trying to create an offline copy of our online database for quicker
> response and then will update / sync the server when connected.
> and...
> 3) Before I start looking at code samples Is there any way to develop
> using LiveCycles on a Mac?
> Thanks in advance... again!
> Scott
> On Dec 28, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Jeffry Houser wrote:
>  You probably need to create a new services-config file with a hard
> coded URL to the flex2gateway.
>  I suspect (but haven't tested) that you need a cross domain file in
> the root of your server for Flash to access it.
> Scott Mulder wrote:
> I currently have a perfectly working RemoteObject on my shared hosting
> server (where I can't install my own server level stuff).  After much
> messing around with the complier arguments it now connects just fine to
> the standard /flex2gateway/ pointer and a ColdFusion Service which
> returns native AMF binary objects so it's nice and fast.  I am now
> trying to set up an AIR app that connects to the same CF Service and
> gets all of the same data in the local app where it is stored offline in
> an SQLlite DB and synced on changes.
> Any suggestions on how to get the same connection working when the app
> runs locally?
> Thanks in advance!
> Scott
> --
> Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Author,
> Recording Engineer
> AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
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