Hello people,
Recently I got a very tricky problem to deal with. I have a web
service which accepts few parameters and an array of objects. Web
service is working perfectly fine as we have tested it with some tools.
Now when I execute my flex application, I get a strange error which I
am not able to solve for a long time.
Error is:
faultCode:EncodingError faultString:'Cannot find definition for type
'urn:com.ebg.challanparking.ejbs::GetPoItemList'' faultDetail:'null'

As I guess, my flex application is not able to resolve the name space
or it is not getting the correct definition for the Class GetPoItemList.
I tried putting name spaces into <mx:request> tag but still no luck.

My question is, how do I resolve this issue and Why is this
application not able to recognize the class definition.
Following is the code snippet
<mx:WebService id="wsPOGetDetails" showBusyCursor="true"
wsdl="some wsdl">
<mx:operation name="getChallanParking" resultFormat="xml"
<mx:request >

I also checked in the WSDL, it has all the necessary details and this
class type is present in the schema.
Any reply will be highly appreciated
Thanks in advance

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