This is probably a simple question but is there an easy way to get 
the current browser window size? 

I have a Flex app with the application height/width set to 100%, and 
then I divide that up into various vbox/hbox elements.  However, in 
some instances I create a pop-up with PopUpManager.  The problem I'm 
having is that the pop-up might end up being too tall for the browser 
window size, and it ends up going off the screen without any way to 
scroll.  There's a vertical scrollbar on the main screen, but since 
it's behind the pop-up there's no way to use it.

In other words, the application height may be larger than the browser 
window height (which just engages a vertical scroll bar) but the pop-
up *thinks* it can use up to the application height when in reality I 
want to limit it to the (current) browser window height.

For now, I've set a "maximum" height of 400 pixels (which I know will 
fit on an 800x600 screen) but when the user has a higher resolution I 
want to be able to make the pop-up height larger than 400.

Ultimately what I want to do is create a VBox pop-up and then on 
creationComplete check its height against the current browser window 
height, and if it's larger, reset the height (which turns on the 
vertical scroll bar) but otherwise leave the height alone (no 
vertical scroll bar).

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