To my knowledge, you cannot have a https folder, and a http folder in the
same area? So basically, this means the files you are accessing from the
https are being directed to the wrong path. You should be able to try an
absolute link to test this.

Possible solution: run the url though a "valueOf()" and see if it has the
http*s*. Its been a while since i worked with CFML, so that might not be the
right function. :P All else fails, regular expressions.


On Jan 8, 2008 8:14 PM, chrisvet2001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   We have a web server that is configured such that
> http://server/directory (d:\http\directory) delivers different content
> than https://server/directory (d:\https\directory).
> When I'm trying to use remoteobject in flex, if I define that my cfc
> is located in Directory.mycfc, it works fine for http, but the same
> doesn't work for https.
> Is this an issue with defining an additional https channel in
> services-config.xml, or something else? In CFWACK 8 - Volume 2, pg.
> 368, it says "For Flash Remoting, this lack of control isn't usually a
> problem, since all traffic is over HTTP" --
> Does my server's different handling of the same url path in https vs
> http mean that I won't be able to do this?
> Thanks,
> Chris


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