Ever since I enabled HistoryManagement on a Flex app the HTML Page 
Titles have been messed up.  Instead of my normal page titles, the 
page title becomes something like "#app=e75xxxx-action=..."

I thought that putting a hard-coded Page title into my 
index.template.html would fix the problem (and always use my static 
page title) but this didn't work, either.

In index.template.html I changed: <title>${title}</title> to 
<title>TESTING</title>.  When I FIRST load the Flex app, it shows 
the "TESTING" page title, but as soon as I start using the site it 
reverts back to the garbled titles.

When I view source on the page (via IE) I see the 
<title>TESTING</title> in the <head> of my HTML wrapper, but IE is 
*still* showing the garbled page titles.

How can I set the Page Title so it doesn't get messed up? 


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