
I was explain right minutes ago to a brazilian developer at
flexbrasil.orgabout same question you're asking.

So to be very short in answer and clear as possible, There's no best
praticies for this, but has solutions first aid kit to solve problems like

the Flex SDK has a class responsable for that called LayoutManager witch
calls a method updateDisplayList() when you use fixed or percent values to
the entire UI components you're using into your application.

So, When you us width height combined with % usage, it's hard to fit into
the container(application) and create a great App. Well To fix that gap I
suggest you to use containers in % mode too, they will mesure the sizes and
always will place things in right mode. An example of that you could test to
see it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
    <mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">
            <mx:RichTextEditor width="50%" height="100%">

            <mx:TextArea width="50%" height="100%">


When the container itself verified witch values are in the (width/height)
automatically the layoutManager calculate the sizes and fit the controls
into the Container witch is located.

But if you want to make fixed sizes to your end-users you could fill gaps
using kind of technique as "Manually".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application enterFrame="checarTamanho()"
" layout="absolute">


            private function checarTamanho():void
                if(mx.core.Application.application.width >= 800 ||
mx.core.Application.application.height >=600)
                    pp.percentWidth = 50;
                    pp.x = 0;
                    pp.y = 0;
                    pp.percentHeight = 100;
                    pp2.percentHeight = 100;
                    pp2.percentWidth = 50;
                if(mx.core.Application.application.width <=800 ||
mx.core.Application.application.height <=600)
                    pp.title = "tmanho fixo";
                    pp.width = 300;
                    pp.x = 0;
                    pp.y = 0;
                    pp2.x = 500;
                    pp2.y = 0;
                    pp.height = 400;
                    pp2.width = 300;
                    pp2.height = 500;

            <mx:RichTextEditor id="pp">

            <mx:TextArea id="pp2">


For sure using manually isn't a best praticies because of some problems with
browser borders or you can't get the exactly the value of Browser window

So, hope you got the message.

Igor Costa

On Jan 14, 2008 12:59 PM, Greg Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    Hi All,
> What is best practice application dimension for designing an application
> for a target audience with 1024x768 resolution?
> We require no horizontal or vertical scrolling and I am not sure what is
> the standard dimension is today with all the browser tool bars ect…
> Any comments much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Greg

Igor Costa

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