Hello, I wrote you folks before with something I can't figure out, but I 
didn't have any examples to show.
I finally broke out my example into a real easy MXML application, and it 
still bugs out (Flex 3 Beta 3).

The bug seems to be applying a 9-Slice Scaled SWF resource as a 
backgroundImage on a container.  One vector shape works, but as you can 
see I have a blue box and a green box, and I get a render error as you 
scroll through.  Notice how the green is kinda "pulled up" into the 
container as you scroll.


These are just simple Illustrator CS3 shape primitives that are made 
into a symbol and exported with 9 Slice Scaling.  I can't imagine that 
I'm doing something outside of REALLY normal usage patterns with this - 
so I HAVE to be doing something wrong, right?

Here's my source - http://www.yellow5labs.com/lab/renderbugtest.zip - 
it's an MXML application and a SWF resource.

Can anybody tell me if and what I'm doing wrong?

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