We are struggling with the correct (Best Practice) way to handle our
deeply nested classes when binding fails.  We are thinking that often
these failures are due to ItemPending Errors which is why I have
included that as part of the topic.  Here is our challenge.

We have MANY deeply nested objects.  For example,

A BusinessEntityVO contains a collection of RelationshipVO's
A RelationshipVO contains a ContactVO
A ContactVO contains a collection of emails, phones and addresses
An EmailVO contains an address (String) & type (String)

Then we have a bunch of getters...for example

In BusinessEntity, there is a getter called DefaultEmail.

This getter looks for a defaultRelationship.  If that is not set, AND
there is at least one Relationship in the collection, then it get's
the first Relationship in the collection and calls it's getter
defaultEmail (which does a similar call in the RelationshipVO.)  These
work great...WHEN all the data is present and loaded on the client AND
the underlying data doesn't change... (of course this never is the case!)

Here are the two problems.

1) THE UNDERLYING DATA CHANGES: Due to the deeply nested natures of
these properties and the binding limitations with getters, we are
looking for a way to get all this information back out to the views
when needed.  Is there some code we could write in each of the VO's
that can bubble up the chain to eventually refresh the views? We have
experimented with a couple different approaches but are looking for
some advice as far as a best practice on this one.  We tried
dispatching our own events, but this didn't seem to solve the problem
when collections are bound to DataGrids and Lists, etc... maybe we
were doing it wrong...

2) THE DATA IS PENDING:  We think that some of the binding is failing
simply because of ItemPending Errors.  Is is best practice to look for
and handle these errors inside the getters of the VO?  If so are there
any examples of how best to do this?  It seems like the VO is the best
place to handle these errors so that if a call for the getter
defaultEmail is made and the email is not available yet, the VO
handles the error and refreshes the call once the Email has arrived. 
Has anyone had experience with this before?  Is there a sound approach?

Lastly, I would love to hear how other's handle the binding of deeply
nested properties and collections.  People often comment that they set
things explicitly instead of using binding or getters, but it seems
counter to Flex and OOP (and also a huge pain), especially when
dealing with large amounts of itemRenderers, etc...  There has to be a
better way.

Thanks for listening.

- Kevin

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