Irrespective of screen resolution the components can be moved from outside
of the flex application.

<mx:Move id="moveIn" xFrom="{-can.width}" yFrom="0" duration="1000"/>

<mx:Move id="moveOut" />

<mx:Button click="can.visible=can.visible?*false*:*true*"/>

<mx:Canvas id="can" width="400" height="400" visible="false" showEffect="{
moveIn}" hideEffect="{moveOut}">





Hemadri S

On Jan 16, 2008 5:18 PM, jovialrandor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   How can I specify any Flex component to move out of the screen if i do
> not know the screen resoluction of the end user beforehand?
> Is there some Move value like '-1' that indicates to move out of any
> size screen?
> Thanks

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