I tried to search for this but got a "server busy" error.  I figured 
I would go ahead and post it.  I appologize if this has been covered 

I'm trying to dynamically generate columns for my datagrid.  I don't 
have prior knowledge of the column attributes before receiving the 
data.  I get two ArrayCollection objects, one with the data (gridData)
and one with the metadata about the columns (called columnData from 
here on).

Here is the function I am trying to write:
public function updateGridData():void{
var column:DataGridColumn;
var headers:String = new String();
for (var i:int =0; i<columnData.length; i++){
    column  = new DataGridColumn(columnData[i].name);
    //column.dataField = columnData.name;
    column.headerText = getheaderText(columnData[i]);
    //headers = headers + getheaderText(columnData[i]) + ", ";
dGrid.dataProvider = gridData;
//mx.controls.Alert.show("Updated the DataGrid.  Headers SHOULD be: " 
+ headers);

The "getheaderText()" function returns the header text value based on 
a user selection (description or name).

What am I doing wrong here?


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