oh man, just when I was gonna lose it! 
for some reason I had updateComplete in the popup window header
setFocus to the first button in the popup. so, i guess when tell the
popup to remove itself its technically 'updating' soooooooooo it goes
and tries to set focus to a button that isnt there and that is why I
had the problem. Go figure.  thanks for the assist Sherif!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Sherif Abdou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have no idea this works, but i have seen a few examples where you
would dispatch sort of a fake event on the button you want to have
focus on and it works. so maybe try that
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Corey Smaller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:27:09 PM
> Subject: [flexcoders] keyboard event function in popup window
> ok, so my app uses all KeyboardEvent/ keyCodes for navigation. It
> worked wonderfully until I created a popup window which also has
> keyboard nav between two buttons, one being 'close this popup'. I
> wanted to set the focus back to the button that called the popup
> window when you click the close button.
> The setfocus goes back to the button in the main app as long as I
> dont call: PopUpManager. removePopUp( this). I can see the nav working
> behind the popup. BUT once i enable the removePopUp the button loses
> focus and when I try to navigate using keyboard it goes into the popup
> windows function for handling keyboard events, even though I just
> removed it. does anyone know how to get around this?? 
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