Well i have solved the problem. My problem was when i reference a function
that is making some design changes inside a viewstack it was giving an error
"reference null". I have fixed it with the callLater method. Now everyhing
is fine


On Jan 29, 2008 2:27 PM, yigit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   creating the view again and again is not a good solution;
> instead you better use data binding and keepdata valid in a singleton
> model class...
> another (bad) solution is that, if your component do their business job
> themselves (connect to server, retrieve data); implement them an "init"
> function which you will call when you select that component. the
> function will free the data arrays first then retreive data from server...
> but as i said before; you better use a singleton Model class.
> Berkay Unal wrote On 01/29/2008 12:14 PM:
> > Hi Coders
> >
> > I have 2 buttons and when clicked i am changing the viewstack's
> > selectedChild.
> >
> > My problem is i have some dynamic content on the peopleView. When i
> > click on the "UserList" button the stack change and data is loaded.
> > But when i click it again it does not refresh. What i need to know is
> > every time i click on the a button although the current view is the
> > same as the clicked one i want it to be recreated?
> >
> > Anyone know how to achieve this?
> >
> > <mx:Button
> >
> > label="Add Person" click="mainView.selectedChild = personView"
> > icon="{__AddPersonIcon}" />
> > <mx:Button label="User List" click="mainView.selectedChild =
> > peopleView" icon="{__PeopleIcon}" />
> >
> > <mx:ViewStack
> >
> > id="mainView" width="100%" height="100%" paddingTop="{myMenuBar.height}"
> >
> > <views:person id="personView" dbConnection="{conn}" />
> > <views:people id="peopleView" dbConnection="{conn}" />
> > </mx:ViewStack>
> >

Berkay UNAL

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