seems like you want to tab through the columns of the selected row, I
have not seen any way of doing that

an somewhat inelegant brute force method would be to define shortcuts
to the buttons in your columns and trap those shortcuts as key presses
in the component, check which row is selected, get the link and spoof
a button press performing whatever action was under the original button.

--- In, "dannytab69" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a number of issues in my application regarding keyboard
> navigation and selection of objects within other components.  For
> example, in a datagrid I have, two of the columns' are displayed as
> link buttosn, each of which is contained in a vbox within an item
> renderer.  
> The problem is that the application will allow me to tab to the data
> grid in question, and then use the up/down arrows to select particular
> rows, but there seems to be no way that I can think of that will allow
> me to select the individual link buttons within each row.
> Has anybody any ideas?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Danny

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