There's a good little book called "Flash Hacks" published by O'Reilly
that has some maths intros in it for motion, effects and perspective etc.

If you really want the maths then try "Numerical Recipes for C" - it's
not too hard to make the mental translation to AS3, after all the
maths is universal.

Failing that, grab a latte and a maths text book from off your shelf
and go and sit in the park for an afternoon.

--- In, Sherif Abdou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i haven't had any math classes in years and was wondering if anyone
knows anysites that teach some Flex Math. What i mean is stuff like that
> but i want simple stuff and start building up. I know the Source is
avaliable but i am lost as to where to start on it. Thanks
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