On Feb 13, 2008, at 9:28 AM, Tom Chiverton wrote:

Conduct in the past often informs future conduct.
Where a company has used a product as a weapon to bankrupt the competion, at the expense of features, as MS has done in the past, it is hard to see how it is not going to do so again i.e. make an effort with Silverlight up until Flex is Netscape'ed at which point Silverlight will also be left to fester.
Witness IE, among other projects at MS.

Almost every software company is guilty of that in some manner or another. I get that all the time in the vfx industry - companies dead ending production software that is a key component to a pipeline.

In the end, it all boils down to money. In the case of Microsoft, eh, whatever. If the technology is good, clients demand it and it makes money, I use it.

It just so happens that the opportunities for monetization of creative and programming services are much greater with the Flex platform than they are with Silverlight.

- j

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