I thought about that, but it's much further off that what that could
possibly be.  

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America 
GT&O L&LD Solutions Design & Development 
eTools & Multimedia 

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 

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        From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Cancil
        Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 12:36 PM
        To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
        Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Drawing in Panel Insanity

        You're probably not taking in account the panel's border
thickness properties.  When you get the panel's width it's including the
border (not just where the content is being drawn like youre imagining).
To get the true width of the content area youd need to subtract
getStyle("borderThicknessRight") and getStyle("borderThicknessLeft").
        Hope this helps
        Eric Cancil
        On Feb 19, 2008 12:29 PM, Merrill, Jason
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:


                So I've been writing an Actionscript component that
extends UIComponent and is wrapped inside a Panel tag.  The UIComponent
has code that draws a flowchart of sorts into the content area of the
Panel, based on a dataprovider it's bound to. Everything works fine
there, and the drawn graphics change when the dataprovider changes
automatically.  The drawn objects also stay within the boundaries of the
Panel content area, thanks to some help on this list with overriding
some protected methods.  
                The problem I still have though, is getting the drawn
content to stay centered in the content area, including when the Panel
is resized (either by resizing the browser window, since the Panel's
width is 100%, or by moving an HDividedBox divider that separates it
from other panels), or when the drawn content changes size.  I can
measure the size of the drawn content easily enough using the
getBounds() method of Rectangle class, but not the Panel's content area
- the width and height seem to be way off when I measure them.
                The other problem is getting the scrollbars to be
accurate.  I'm getting really confused by Panel's unscaledWidth,
unscaledHeight, measuredWidth, measuredHeight, width, height,
explicitWidth, and explicitHeight properties and how they all relate to
each other.  Is there someone who can explain how the panel's content
area size is calculated and also the scrollbars?
                Here is some code snippets from my class:
                override protected function
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void 
                       measuredWidth = unscaledWidth;
                       measuredHeight = unscaledHeight; 
                override protected function measure():void
                             var rect:Rectangle = getBounds(this);
                             measuredWidth = rect.width;
                             measuredHeight = rect.height;  
                           var flowchartRect:Rectangle =
                           _flowchartWidth = flowchartRect.width;
                           _flowchartHeight = flowchartRect.height;
                private function reposition(e:Event):void
                   _flowchart.x = (width/2)-(_flowchart/2);
                   _flowchart.y = (height/2)-(_flowchart/2);

                Jason Merrill 
                Bank of America 
                GT&O L&LD Solutions Design & Development 
                eTools & Multimedia 

                Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 

                Interested in innovative ideas in Learning?
                Check out the GT&O Innovative Learning Blog
and & subscribe
ts%2FPosts%2FArchive%2Easpx> . 




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